1F Journeyman losing it's x-axis

I have started a roughing pass on a 12 inch plaque that fails about 5 minutes into an overall 8 hour carve.
I rebooted the machine and had the same results. I regenerated the g-code and rebooted the machine once again and had the same results. The image attached clearly shows each of the three failures.
The machine is mounted on the wall, so the x-axis is really the vertical axis and it’s as if after a few minutes, gravity just shifts the x-axis toward zero. In each case, I was nearby and able to stop the machine right away.
Any ideas on what my problem is? Here is the image:

Hey Kendell,

  1. did you adjust the currents of motor 0 for vertical use?

  2. Have you retrofit strain relief on the cables that go into the X axis, or a serious cable management system with drag chains? If not, you could check if this happened to you.

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I think I’m good with the cable management though I will verify that this evening.
I have not adjusted currents. How do I do that or where do I find out about doing that?
That actually seems like it might be a reasonable area of concern.

Hey Kendell,

the settings are ‘drive-current’ and ‘idle-current’ on the Motor 0 page. Also adjusting the ‘stall-current’ may be useful. You may search for these terms in conjunction with “wall” or “vertical”. I have no experience with a CNC mounted vertically, but some people here have.

But since the machine works correctly most of the time, I would check the possible causes mentioned in the document linked above one by one.

To check the cable, I would unplug it on the controller side and on the other end and check all four wires one by one for conductivity between both ends, by using a multimeter set to resistance (ohms). But it could be that you measure that everything is okay because the fault my appear only in certain moments, in certain positions of the cable, when you move it, etc. Usually it’s the motion on a cable that is not made for permanent motion that can make problems after a while, mostly where the individual wire is crimped into the contact, or between the contacts which unfortunately are only tin-plated which means movement and/or corrosion can wear the plating leaving the bare copper open to air which is even more prone to corrosion. In this case, a little amount of KONTAKT 60 and then KONTAKT 61 can help.

See also

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