X-Axis Stalling on Y1 Rail getting misaligned

So having issues with the Journeyman Pro messing up my cuts and going out of synch, I can now almost replicate it. Whenever Making Cuts after homing in the X,Y’Z and starting the cut somewhere during the cut as the X-Rail is coming back towards me It appears the motor on Y1 stops for a brief second as it continues to spin on Y2 With the X-Rail now being crooked it continues as normal.

If you then move the X-Rail to the back to force it straight then go back to home position it is several inches ahead showing that its throwing itself off.

I checked the Grub Screws by the motors on the ends of Y1 & Y2, if you spin the ball nut you can see 2 in there, but you can only get an Allan wrench in 1 of the holes with a grub nut due to alignment checked both sides those were tight.

I also pulled out the ball nut bearings on both Y rails and cleaned them out and sprayed air through the bracket hole they mount too.

I re oiled the entire machine, and pulled all wire connecters from their ports hit them with compressed air and ensured they clipped bac in tightly looking at what I could see to ensure they all looked like they were making good connections.

I also loosened all Bolts attaching the Y1 & Y2 Rails to the QWC Frame, I then Pushed the X Rail to the back and tightened the back screws, and pulled it forward to the front then tightened the front screws to ensure i wasn’t misaligned there.

Not really sure where to go from this point?

Edit 2: So standing on the end of the table (outside Y1) I can grab the ball screw (long threaded rod) and twist it takes a brief moment but then the X-Axis will move along Y2 with reletive ease going forwards or backwards and stay roughly together.

Now when I go to the other end (outside Y2) when I wist the ball screw (long threaded rod) forwards it catches like the other and the X-Axis begins to move back towards the end of the table, however when I twist the ball screw towards me to move the X-Axis towards the screen there’s allot more difficulty trying to get it to go, The Y2 Axis wants to move easily but the tension is somewhere trying to get the ball screw on Y1 to follow in time with it.

TKC, just had this issues and it took me months of round and round, video after video and tried everything that 1F support threw at me, The end result was the wrong Y motors being installed during manufacturing. Can you get me a pick of the Y motors?

@ScottB Tell me about it, I have been going back and forth for the last week the machine is completely stripped down at this point and just been swapping the motors back and forth. I will play around with the joystick and 1 will stall, swap it to the other set of wires and the same one will stall.

I would say that means its the motor, but something else is funny about this entire situation that I can explain later.

Both Y’s and the X are all 23HS30-28045-C1 but the Z is C5

Thanks for taking a look for me.

Well It appears Support confirmed The wrong Stepper motors were shipped out, and replacements being sent.

What Made the issue so difficult to track down, was when I started first being able to trigger the issue It was always happening on Y1 Motor. Both motors were marked to ensure there was no mix up, and after tearing down both rails completely and checking every fastener and putting back together (The first time), The problem mysteriously jumped from Y1 to Y2 motor, and no nothing had been swapped everything was on the same wires. So naturally I thought maybe I need to check all the fasteners again, and did and could find nothing.

I then pulled the motors out and just plugged them in by themselves, and the problem came back to the Y1 motor swapped the motors (Not inner tube wires) so it was just the motor being moved over and the issue would occur again on Y1. So that got frustrating, and the last thing I noticed if you slightly moved the motor it would halt, or if holding it, it would halt and that went for both motors. So yes its been a ride but thankfully they are shipping out the correct motors now. Though I thought I would post my additional findings for anyone else that stumbled upon this thread having the same issue and finding the T.S. process to be conflicting.

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Very interesting I have been having the same issue, during rapid manual/auto movement Y (right side) stalls on anything over 200ipm. I have everything slowed down in the motor settings to get this to stop happening. I guess I will check the steppers when I get home and see if I have the same PN’s on my Woodworker Pro with BB controller. I cant count how many cuts have gone bad because of this issue. I have taken it apart and re-aligned 3 times so far to make sure there is no binding and pulled motors checked grub screws yada yada yada.

Well— looks like that is my same issue same motors and same issue. Contacting onefinity now, will include a video for them

Good to hear, Glad my thread helped someone else. I first noticed it in the first month I got the machine it happened but I knew so little about the CNC I thought it was my fault, the following month it happened again and messed up a piece, looked on the forum and it mentioned if kept in the garage fasteners could become loose and cause issues, so sure enough I went around found a couple loose bolts and tightened everything down assuming that was the issue.

Then as of Recent its begin happening more frequent and after an expensive piece of wenge that’s a 45 min cut was ruined after it did that and got off zero, I had finally had enough and started looking for a solution. I hope they ship the motors out soon, I haven’t been able to continue my project for the last 2 weeks due to being down and troubleshooting when I have the time each day, and no shipping notice today :frowning: So earliest will be Monday.

Yep sorry for the delay in response but as 1F stated and your photos that’s the exact mix up I had, wrong steppers. I have had mine in for a month now and no issues. Don’t be shocked when you open the box, the new motors are quite tiny in comparison to the motors you have now. The motors that will arrive are about half the size. In this case, bigger isn’t better. Luckily you’ll just have to rebuild the damn thing one more time.

One other side note, you will have to swap over the stepper coupler. Stack a set of feeler gauges or random washer under the existing motor coupler and then you be able to drop it on the new steppers at the exact spacing so the two coupler (one on the motor and one on the machine) will marry perfectly.

@ScottB, well crap I already removed those end pieces off the motor shaft, how far spaced do they need to be?

No worries, there is a step on the shaft of the motor. With the grub screw lightly tightened, one of mine bottomed out on the shaft and the other was 1.5mm out. You should be just fine bottoming them out to the step. I don’t think it’s critical that the coupler is dead flush with the other coupler. I say that because one of mine was a mil or so different than the other. You could always shoot 1F support a note and see if there is a spec measurement between the coupler and the motor housing or take the X or Z loose and measure one of those. Hope that helps.


There should be a gap between the motor and the coupler. What you don’t want is the coupler right up against the motors. That will cause it to rub against the motor and it will not work right.


I just thought about it, I could put the end coupler piece firmly back on the red plastic piece, shove the bal screw back in place, then line the motor up and push it in all the way and spin the ball screw and tighten the grub screw from the side holes, pull the motor back out and finish tightening them and verify that they are properly spaced. I think that method will wind up having them both in the same place.

Hey tKC,

Note that stall homing is by itself known not to ensure accurate homing repeatability, so retrofitting limit switches (e.g. with inductive proximity limit sensors) is a good improvement for any Original/X-50/PRO Onefinity machine.

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Thanks @Aiph5u I did follow this big long tutorial Troubleshooting: Rail is getting hung, stuck, grinding, or moving in opposite direction meticulously step by step, and we determined I had the wrong motors. And that both of my motors also have something wrong with them given that they will stall when touched.

As for the Properly Squared its on the QCW Frame with the Rolling Stand. Its on Flat Concrete, and I ensured all the Bolts in the stand were tight. I’m not sure how much more I can do with this specific configuration.

Though looking at that new post you made, the 3rd part there with that bearing is a great consideration point when assembling everything back together. I did check all those and they never had an issue, and I used calipers to re align them when i was checking if there was dust or something between them focusing only 1 set at a time. Though I will be mindful when assembling everything back together :slight_smile:

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Well, interesting discussion.

I have one of the first batch of the Pro machines - my Journeyman order was actually placed before the announcement of the Pro, but was upgraded by Onefinity automatically. Due to ‘life’ and some questionable decisions on my part, I’m only just finally getting around to setting it up.

The ‘questionable’ part is that I purchased without a controller, intending to ‘roll my own’. Aside from just taking WAY longer to get a controller set up than I expected, it also means I’m largely unsupported. I’ve been working through getting set up using a Sienci Super Long Board grblHAL controller and have been running into the Y motor stalling issue as well. Some of this was certainly due to misalignment, but having worked through alignment to what I think is a decent degree of accuracy I still seem to need to keep my acceleration very low on the Y axis to avoid stalling and getting pulled out of alignment. I can at least perform rapids at this point though - it took a while to get there; jogging in 5mm steps was fine, but trying to move even 50mm would stall with acceleration set higher.

I verified that I have the same motors that tKC has, so I guess it may be worth contacting support.

@dwkdnvr don’t know allot about CNC’s as this is my very first one and I wouldn’t have nor even to this date would feel comfortable in building a controller, but you attempting that sounds pretty awesome. I can only imagine the amount of customization and add-ons in the end, and not being restricted by the buildbotics platform, I really hope you get that all working good!

What I do know though is that I ordered at the exact same time as you, Before the Pro was even announced, and it was frustrating transaction as there was no communication from Onefinity as to why my order was taking so long, nor did they ever officially come out and tell me but after getting it home and actually getting it built I realized what had happened and no longer frustrated, I’m glad they gave me the new machine, just wish someone would have mentioned that was the delay :slight_smile: Anyways, Support mentioned there was a “Batch” shipped with the wrong motors, I’m guessing you were apart of the Same Batch as me.

I am a noob, so I noticed the first stall in the first month i got it, had no idea what to even make of it, forced the X Axis back into place, rebooted the machine and re homed it and hoped for the best. It happened again a month later and really messed up a cut, I researched the forum but got to this thread about being in a not well insulated location (i.e my garage) that bolts loosen and to retighten, so I did that thinking that solved the issue. Went away for awhile (then again there was a month I don’t think I used the machine because i got too busy with the Borderlands Pandora’s box) Though i just got back into the swing of things a few weeks ago and after 2 bad cuts on some Wenge, I had had enough, and noticed the stalling was coming much more prevalent. I could easily trigger it within 2 minutes by swapping to top speed, and rotating the joystick in circles, and it would always occur when the Axis was moving diagonally towards me.

Though keep in mind there were other issues with my motors, If i slightly moved them they would stall, or even tried holding them when spinning they would stall. I just assumed they were going bad and maybe because they were misconfigured to the wrong ball screw with the wrong voltage, but i’m ignorant in those regards and could be way off with my assumption.

Though good luck tracking the issue down, I did it in between life and work and took me over a week daily spending some time tearing things apart and testing. New motors come tomorrow, fingers crossed this will all be resolved and i can get back to working with it.

Interesting that your motors were that flaky - definitely not a good sign. I managed to do a bit more testing and was able to run a few ‘air cut’ tool paths without problem, and trying to manually stall the machine failed - it seems to have reasonable torque. So, my tentative conclusion is that things ‘work’ and aren’t as unstable as what you describe.

I’m not sure when I’ll get to trying an actual cutting job - I need to get some dust collection set up and need to verify my axis calibrations. Hopefully this weekend if not before.

I was part of the bad batch. I originally purchased a woodworker x50 and received a woodworker pro. No issues that I noticed. Upgraded through ipp program to the journeyman and started stalling out and misalignment when at full speed with joystick and during rapids. I’ve been in contact with support since April and on Friday, they asked for pictures of my motors and determined they installed the incorrect ones on my Ys. Monday they shipped new motors and today, Tuesday, I received them and installed. Did a quick test with the controller and it seems to have fixed the problem. I’ll find out tomorrow officially when I start batching again.

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Good to hear, I got mine in today as well, Still putting it back together as the entire machine was stripped Glad you are no longer having the issues, crossing my fingers this will fix my issue as well.

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