Continually getting an X under error. Any help to fix greatly appreciated

I’m having issues with an X under error code. I’ve homed and rehome. Turn off and re homes a number of times and I’m still receiving the error code. Can anyone please advise on how to fix this issue. Thank you!
I’ve included a picture of the error code. Also, I have the original woodworking model. I purchase in 2020.

Hey Alan,

as long as you have not created a g-code toolpath of your own, uploaded and selected it in the machine, and probed or manually set your workpiece zero coordinate, this is not an issue and can (must) be safely ignored.

If you have created a g-code toolpath of your own, uploaded and selected it in the machine, and probed or manually set workpiece zero coordinate, then this error tells you that your g-code toolpath wants the machine to mill outside its workarea, which will in no case go. In this case, either your 3D model is too big, or you’ve probed or set manually your workpiece zero coordinate in the wrong position.

This support document may help you:

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Thank you very much. Your input help and the problem is corrected.

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