I ran machine yesturday fine went out today to finish hit toggle and screenYou can hear machine start screen shows onefinity logo then goes blank
Tried to login Using ip nothing
Unplugged for a few still nothing hit E switch twisted and pulled up nothing please help
More info would be helpful, starting with machine type.
I have original buildbotic controller
I checked all the usual and abvious
The screen goes to the booting screen then turns to A pale gray almost like if it’s off
You can hear fan of controller on
Work with support at support@onefinitycnc.com
Yes I’ve reached out to support
No response
Hi gregory,
I’ve check the support email and you sent them a blank email with not body at 10:06 am eastern this morning.
They responded back ‘Hi Gregory, your email was blank. How can we help?’ at 10:06 am eastern 30 seconds after they received your email.
No reply was sent by you.
Try replacing both usb power cords. One goes to a power brick, and the black box…
It likes to eat them, and you need to feed it 2 news ones after a while
Is that on the masso
I’m thinking controller is toast
Hoping someone is selling one a build botics one