I was digging through wondering why the programs were massive and didn’t seem to have any arc movements. I found the Fusion buildbotics post processor at r43022 has circular interpolation enabled, but Onefinity’s flavor had it specifically disabled on the next line.
Jump forward a bit and I see that Onefinity’s post processor was updated just a few days ago and now has an option for circles. A lot of my programs are now 10x smaller.
I don’t see any earlier discussion on this. Why was it disabled?
Looks like that option was added in January, though I don’t know why they would enable it by default. Though the description is a little odd - I don’t know what ‘no’ means in this context - should the item be checked or not to get arcs in the gcode?
I’m looking at the 2021-03-18 releases for both OneFinity and Buildbotics from the Autodesk post library. Both have revision 43242 and looks like OneFinity is a clone of Buildbotics except for the last 2 lines.
Both have the line
allowedCircularPlanes = 0; // disable all circular interpolation
According to the Autodesk Post Processor Class Reference this means " Set to 0 to linearize all circular motion and undefined to allow any motion.
I’m wondering why this is so? I have seen some reference to fixing the circle problem but this seems a bit overkill.
Two week ago I had to reinstall everything on my pc and choose version 43242. After that I was not able to run some of my toolpath after reposting them (my 1F was making a very loud grounding nose and loose reference)… The old fusion360 did not have circular interpolation disable.
This was the PP announced to the forum. Small changes to the Autodesk one.
//allowedCircularPlanes = undefined; // allow any circular motion
allowedCircularPlanes = 0;
circular interpolation was commented out
could you share the post processor that you were using before this update happened. I’d like to compare
The first version I have downloaded was timestamp 2020-12-10 21:52 on my workstation. When I compare with v43008 the only difference is:
(both file have $Revision: 43008 31731a89b929cfd1a62f827c2b8ebf233f944dc9 $)
As explained it seem to be a modified version of 43008 but without ‘allowedCircularPlanes = 0;’ line.
The file was probably shared on FB or forum prior the official post. The modified 43008 was the one I used and had no circular problem. The issue appear when I downloaded the current version available on autodesk 2 week ago. I have order 10022 and use fusion for last 4 month only.
If you want to see what was the issue on my machine when ‘allowedCircularPlanes = 0;’ is present look at the video for the test-bug project I shared with support. Everything is ok when enable. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmsqeiSmdvXigbFMemZS2xivRKLhkA?e=Bwc6NS
Just a follow-up. I have contacted support last week for the grinding issue and circular problem. They contacted me this morning to test the 1.0.8b1.
On my test, the beta 1 fix the problem for linear cornering and linear circle toolpath. I was able to run fast toolpath with or without circular interpolation enabled.
Info provided > All cornering will run a little slower, because a code change in 1.0.8b1 causes the motion planner to actually enforce acceleration and jerk limits. You lose a little speed, but the machine is actually following the correct path, and not overloading what the steppers (torque) are capable of.