Mounting onefinity at a 45

Im looking for some long term insite on mounting my x50 journeyman the same way Arganic Woodwork in his youtube video Getting sideways with Onefinity but i want to mount it at a 45 just wondering if anyone else has mounted this way and what if any problems from running it this way Thank You

I think the most common issue people run into when mounting vertically and would pertain mounting on a 45 degree angle is the loss of holding current to the stepper motors when you turn the controller off which allows gravity to pull the gantry down. It may not be as much of an issue on a 45 degree angle but I’d suggest parking the gantry at the bottom when you power it off as the easy solution, there are more elaborate solutions with electric brakes and counter balancing springs etc.


Thank You for your feed back im just getting info on different ways to mount as i have limited space and havent seen alot of posts on mounting this way and was wondering why its not being done this way Thank you again for your input

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I do not see the benefit to mounting at an angle less than 90deg, personally.

the table requirement is ~48" deep, width does not change (65" minimum). Therefore you are only gaining about 20x65" or 9sq ft. floor space back, by mounting at angle.

I do however, see the benefit to have a folding table, which can be stowed away to give you back that space, when it is not in use. Onefinity even provides some of these options as well.

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Hey Duane,

with Lee’s @TDE Fold Down Wall Mounted CNC Table you could try out different angles, including 45°, if you manage to retrofit a lock mechanism that is able to lock it at different angles. I’m sure this is possible. I can imagine that you might switch to other angles if you can experiment with it (including switching to 0° and to 90° one day) :slight_smile:

Also if your concern is that on 90° vertical (wall mount) position, the wood dust could fall downwards onto the ball screw, you could try to not mount it the way as shown here but with the Y axes vertically and X axis horizontally, so that any ball screws are out of the way of the dust falling downwards.

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You can use pipe clamps to lock the table in place if you use round linear bearings, that would allow you to lock into any position.

My machine looks a little messy right now but you get the idea…

Shaft Collar Double


Thank You For your suggestion on clamps im liking your setup looks like it goes to the wall when not using if i may ask i see yours is mounted sideways im thinking of mounting 90 degrees from yours and at a 45 slant do you for see any problems from doing that i dont plan on doing any tiling Thank You Again

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I actually built two folding tables, the other has a box base, the one in the pictures uses the aluminium QCW table and has to be mounted side on, if you want it to vome out into the room as you described its harder to do with a QCW, you can use my system with a box table,

My YouTube channel shows the original table

That’s great thank you for your incite ill check it out latter

Sharing some more images here to show that the table moves, I am due to make a how to video on this but I have been so busy with work and drinking beer that it never happened.


Hey Lee,

thank you for showing this!

I think what would be useful for most (even more than a video) would be a parts list. E.g. what kind of bearings did you take up there?

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I purchased the wall mounts too and I plan to use the wall mount mainly to store when not in use. my Plan is to build me some swing down legs that will allow it to be a flat work bench when in use. not sure this will work but thats my idea to save space when not in use

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Thank you Everyone for your ideas very helpful I Think i know how im setting it up Thank You All Again

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Hi Duane, just following up on your post, I’m also seriously considering mounting my Onefinity at 45 deg. but with the X axis horizontally. I was wondering if you had tried a similar setup and encountered some issues.


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Im still getting things set up and gathering info on different ways to set it up and planning a good spot in my shop for it im moveing the base setup in different spots and living with it for a while to see how well it will work in the spaces i try it in kinda slow getting it set up as im working in my spare time to do it lol spare time hanging on wall is looking like best use of space for me and my shop good luck with your setup

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That rolling cabinet looks AWESOME! Did you build it yourself? Care to share any specifics on it?

Hi all, I am in the process of building Lee’s design (@TDE ) with unistrut for the vertical linear rail and 8020 for the pivot arm structure. I have it all modeled in fusion 360 but I am having some weird motion linking issues when I try to link all three joints together. I can get two of them working just fine, but for some reason when I try to constrain the bottom joint, it locks up and will not move in fusion 360.

Even without that, I am hoping that this will be valuable to the community to have a journeyman x50 with a partial QCW frame (just the mating structure and main tubes) with the unistrut channels, trolleys, and the 8020 parts needed for the pivot arm. This should be easy to lock at any angle from 0 to 90.

If anyone has any feedback or help with the motion linking issues, please let me know.

Here is the file: Fusion

Hi buddy,

I dont know why Fusion 360 has a linking issue but I will say that you should not use uni strut, they arent isolating the back of the tabl enough to make ot rigid, use linear shaft and linear bearings, I upgraded my folding table to this and its as solid as a normal table.

Unistrut have a bit too much play in, its a lot harder to make housings to mount linear bearings, I have been trying to do a video on these for a year but I have been over worked, I have just moved to a new workshop now and plan to get a cut list and tutorial up before Christmas,

Lastly I would have the arm mount dead in the middle of the QCW if you’re planning on lifting it by hand,

I use a linear actuator on mine so my arm is past the middle.


Thanks for the quick reply, could you send the STEP files of your linear bearings that you made? I have plenty of 608 bearings that I could use, but would love to see how you approached it.

Thanks for the inspiration and the help. I can update this file with the linear bearings and then post back to the group

Here is the updated model using 8020 and their linear slider/bearings. I went this path for now since I have some 8020 already and just need the bearings. I am going to also look at using the linear rail I can buy on amazon ( Ultimately it will come down to cost and trying to keep that to a minimum.

Here is the new file: Fusion

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