Posted original message in wrong place

I have removed my original post. I did not have permission to delete it.

Is this what you are looking for…

I am waiting on my upgrade kit but plan on doing this exact setup…

Hey Jeff,

we have a search function here.
elite 6-pin
masso 6-pin

This would have led to these results:


Thanks for your response. I tried the search function with multiple searches before I posted. After posting, I found a lead and then realized that one of the videos I had seen did have some of the information I needed. I appreciate your help sending me these links. I was surprised that I had not known about the controller wire before this. Ultimately, when I figured out what I needed, I deleted the original post, particularly because it realized I had posted it in the wrong place.



Hey Jeff,

no problem, one more opportunity for me to put the links (those that already exist) together for everybody :wink: