Ultimate OF X-50 Table Build (From Jay Bates)

Thank you for getting back to me Alex! One clarification… looking at the manuals for the Elite Journeyman vs the Pro (X-50) Journeyman, the footprint looks the same to me (60-1/16 x 45-7/8). Am I missing something? What is the extra width you mention? Thanks again for the help! Bob

Hello Bob, sorry for the late reply.

They are the exact same footprint, I was referring to the Journeyman to a Woodworker size wise. Elite/Standard maintain the same size specs.

Sorry for the confusion,

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Hey Bob,

the Pro, Original and Elite Series differ from the stepper motors length which protrude towards the side or the back (or top for z stepper). You may also reserve space for a wider drag chain at the side should you want to upgrade to a water- cooled spindle one day.


Thanks for the information everyone. Very helpful!