Hey Russell,
A full-blown¹ drag chain for the X axis alone, with spindle cable and two coolant hoses has usually to never be less than 50 mm wide. There are some 3D printed parts here and here that give information on the length (but that are clearly not wide enough).
You will find a lot of information here: drag chain
Full-blown (non-ATC) drag chain width computation:
For the X axis drag chain:
11.8 mm spindle cable + 8 mm Z motor cable + 8 mm coolant hose + 8 mm coolant hose + 4 mm signal cable for Z limit sensor + 2 mm distance between every single cable, ensured by the strain relief 3D printed part = 50 mm
11.8 mm spindle cable + 8 mm Z motor cable + 8 mm coolant hose + 8 mm coolant hose + 4 mm signal cable for Z limit sensor + 4 mm for light at spindle + 2 mm distance between every single cable, ensured by the strain relief 3D printed part = 56 mm
For the Y axis drag chain, add the cable for the X stepper motor and the X limit sensor (= additional 12 mm (8 mm + 4 mm) which would mean 70 rsp. 76 mm.
Note that for spindles with sealing air, spindles with a temperature sensor, and for ATC spindles, for workpiece air, flood or mist coolant, oilers, and a camera, you need even more hoses for the compressed air, workpiece coolant, workpiece cutting fluid, axis oiler lines, and cables (see here for an example).