Onefinity CNC Firmware 1.2.1 (2/8/23) (X-35/X-50 machines w/ Buildbotics Controller) (Outdated)

Did the flash today and so far works great. But when i shut down the screen says “booting” with the onefinity in the back ground with some boot numbers. Is that normal. I started and shut down a couple of times it seems to be working. Just wondering if that is normal. Prior to flash it would shut down and just show the screen like when it is first turned on. I think it is shut down but usually have not seen the onefinity stating booting. My joy stick shuts off also .

I had something like that happen but it was a bit that slipped out of the Collett (still felt tight after) but you could tell it dropped just enough to knock it off course.

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Well that tells me that I don’t need to try the reflash again. :disappointed:

I picked a bad time to setup my new onefinity.


This looks to be the same issue I encountered (see earlier post). I’m a newbie to the forum and the 1F, are there instructions for rolling back to the code before the upgrade (which was done via web). I’m stuck here and hesitant about spoiling a fourth piece of wood.

There is a link to GitHub to get the 1.0.9, follow the instructions for a SD card flash use 1.0.9. I turned off my machine so I can’t do any more digging, I’m gonna check the bit and then reflash as well

Edit: My bit was exactly where I had put it in the router it didn’t move.

Second edit. My Z crash was my fault verifies by camera footage. NOT the firmwares fault. Just and old idiot.

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Are we certain this isn’t emi? What have you don’t to prevent emi?

I did see where someone had the moving issue but had forgot to reset the machine after reflash. Step 11 in the instructions. Probably not the issue here but it would happen maybe if that was not done.

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This was my result.

What might cause EMI? I don’t think there’s anything in particular that would be causing that in my shop.

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My worse occurrence was on 1.1.1, after an update by web when setting up.

Then I reflashed to 1.2.1 and had it happen again.

All my wires are shielded including power, one side only grounded I also have ferrite rings on all cables, and both end of power cable. Router and vacuum are on a different circuit.

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Clean flash, yes did step 11 and reset config.

Onefinity any response to this. Should I get a onefinity screen the freezes on shut down with booting on it. Did not see this with 1.1.1.

So what’s the consensus here - just flash back to 1.0.9?

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Yes, normal with a rocker switch:


After seeing the latest post, I thought I would try 1.2.1 again. Still having the same issue with the last attempt (December 2022). After time (typically overnight), I cannot bring up the web page from another computer on the network. I have to reboot the 1FN controller for the remote GUI to work again. The 1FN is connected to the network via Ethernet. I can still ping the controller and the controller responds to curl from the same remote computer. However, no GUI on either Safari or Chrome web browser. It worked fine last night.

Also after the reset the machine defaults back to MM not inches so if your programming in inches that needs to be change or you cuts could be off.

If you look above In this thread you will see a link posted by support for GitHub. All of the image files are available there. Download the full image for 1.09 and reflash back

Is that what is best if it is working ? Or if there are issues. Has onefinity mentioned to do that. Just wondering if they might send a fix

Thank you. I found them this morning, bought a new SD card and flashed it to 1.0.9, installed it and started the carve (kept the old SD with 1.2.1 ). Running over 1hr, no issues so far, 30 mins to go.I will update this if I run into the same issue, but its looking good.


They have to confirm and reproduce the issue before they can even begin working on a fix. As a software guy, I’m guessing it’ll be a bit before we have one.