(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))
March 3, 2024, 2:57am
Hey hyspead,
if you bought a Masso G3 directly at the Masso shop, then probably…
…this is a bare one! It lacks…
a power supply ,
a relay control box for switching router and vac on and off,
a plug-and-play spindle/VFD control output like Onefinity’s 6-pin GX-12 connector :
For wiring other VFDs to this connector, see here .
If you get the Masso G3 Touch as part of an Onefinity Elite Series machine, not only you get it to a favorable price, but it has all these accessories included!
However should you want to upgrade to a Masso G3 Touch without the Elite Upgrade kit , but by doing that yourself by just buying the Masso G3 Touch at the Masso shop, then…
…you can buy the Masso G3 Touch (US $1,290.00 without power supply), build a custom power supply and relay box for the Masso G3 Touch and for your machine , and as it is a universal CNC controller , you could make it fit your existing Onefinity Original X-35/X-50/PRO Series machine. You could still use your existing open-loop steppers, however as you would no more benefit of the four Texas Instruments DRV8711 stepper drivers inside the Onefinity Original X-35/X-50/PRO Series Controller , so you would need to buy four external stepper drivers separately (see also explanations here ). You could also buy some closed-loop, stepper motors like the Stepper motors that are used on the Elite Series , here you can choose among easily available Stepper Motors with Integrated Stepper Drivers (the little black box on each of the stepper motors), and by the way also choose whether with or without brake.
You could in every case easily Retrofit Hardware Limit Sensors to the Onefinity Standard X-35/X-50/PRO Series which I would recommend anyway , to get rid of unreliable Stall Homing (=machine bumps the axis carriage to the end of travel until the stepper driver detects it = poor homing repeatability )
Image: Onefinity Elite’s Power Supply and Relay Box
(Left: Version for North and Latin America. Right: Version for the rest of the world)
Here you can get 24 V DC for five stepper drivers and motors, that are produced by a step-down converter from the 36 V version of the Meanwell LRS-350 switching power supply inside.
The MASSO G3 is a universal CNC controller. It can be set up and wired to fit any CNC machine, as it supports a wide variety of motors. → Masso Documentation is the link on how to achieve that.
Welcome to the forum!
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