I want the Elite Series (trying to justify the additional costs, but that’s another subject)
I would also like to Wall Mount, but see several posts stating that the Elite cannot be wall mounted.
Does that mean:
a) no wall mount system is currently available from 1F?
b) something about the construction prohibits mounting in that position?
c) not warrantied/proven for that use?
Also curious here +1 on wall mounting the elite series, I’m looking to purchase a machine soon and have limited workspace so wall mounting would be a game changer for me personally.
Is this something 1F is considering supporting in the future?
From what I’ve seen, the machine can be wall mounted. The issue that I’ve seen brought up is that the Masso components are not designed to be wall mounted. If there are any issues with your machine you will need to clarify that it is/was wall mounted. Taking it off the wall may fix the problem, it may not. Also, Onefinity may not be able to offer support to those who wall mount the elite machine.
Elite machines are intended for professional use and not made to be wall mounted.
Onefinity will not offer technical support for wall mounted Elite machines and it could void your warranty.
is sure would help in understanding the reason behind this apparently strong stance, and if this could also void said warranty when mounting to a flip top style tables to help with the square footage the machine takes up when stored. there are obviously a number of people that are planning, myself included, to do this to save space.
edited to add: not intending to use in vertical, but will be stored vertical - just clarifying.
@cheman I was jsut emailing with 1F support as I am trying to figure out a solution and they responded with this:
“The best answer we can give you is we do not recommend storing and or using the Elite machines any other way than horizontally.”
As for running it the “why” is due to the stepper motors:
“The elite machines have closed loop stepper motors on them, meaning they provide feedback to the controller constantly. Because that is the case the case they can stall out if they feel the weight of the machine pulling down on them.”
I asked about storage when not powered and didn’t get much back other than it’s not suggested and sounds like it can/will impact your warranty.
As with a lot of buyers space is limited for me so I was really looking forward to being able to put this on a flip cart, but alas that seems like a moot point.
I’m thinking maybe overhead with a hoist that can raise/lower the unit in my garage.
Here’s my thought on 1F response. Completely understand on using it in a vertical position.
However on storing the Elite in a vertical position… they sell the Rolling-Folding Stand Leg Kit implicitly stating “…When not in use, it can be folded up and rolled out of the way, saving floor space…”.
So I’m confused with the contradictory statements. FYI… I have the Elite Woodworker model.
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(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))
In this case, at every machine shutdown before storage, I would drive the X axis to the position it will take with gravity when the machine is powerless and the stepper’s electromagnetic detent is gone, to avoid that it moves after flipping. You may also retrofit stepper motors with brake which will ensure the steppers will never move while powered off, or use Jim’s good ole low-tech method to prevent motors from moving with gravity
However, even if there exist even flippable table designs with vertical clamping, I have never seen a flippable design with a CNC enclosure. I belong to those who believe an enclossure is necessary, not only because of dust or noise, but first of all because of safety. The debris of a broken bit can harm humans and animals severely. The manufacturer of my spindle, in their spindle manual, makes the use of a CNC enclosure mandatory.
(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))
Hey Daniel,
they added the drag chains from Elite and stronger stepper motors, and the Z-20 “heavy” Z assembly to the X-50 Series. The Woodworker X-50 (80 × 80 cm workarea) and the Journeyman non-PRO (with X-50 rail, that we bought, 120 × 80 cm workarea) are no more available, they were replaced by the PRO Series with the same dimensions. Both Woodworker and Journeyman have a X rail with 50 mm diameter chrome-plated, hardened steel hollow shafts, and two Y rails with 35 mm diameter shafts. Additionally, there is now a Foreman PRO (120 × 120 cm workarea) offered, with 50 mm diameter shafts on both X and Y axes. All Original and PRO Series have open-loop bipolar steppers that run with the buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller. All PRO and Original can be bought without a CNC controller if you want to use another third-party controller, and without the very small touch display (if you prefer a bigger one). You don’t forcibly need a touch display, a normal HDMI monitor (or a DVI monitor with adapter), together with a keyboard and a mouse or trackball will also do.
Spoke with Becky and wrote an order. She is GREAT!!!
Yes the Journyman Pro will be wall mounted.so I cannot use a MASSO Controller.
I know that Carbide3d does NOT recommend a spindle. Please advise on what others ate using. I need the quiet of a spindle.
I guess the best would be a lighter 110v 65mm spindle but they come in ER 11 and Er20. Which Does NOT work! SUGGESTIONS ANYONE?
(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))
By the way, a 65 mm spindle deploys much less mechanical power at the end of the shaft (at the bit) than a 80 mm spindle, with the same electrical current.
True ER collets are far superior to the proprietary Makita hand trim router collets, because the latter hold the bit only at the end of the collet, which leads to issues with the bit sliding inside the collet during operation (thus runining your workpiece). See here for comparison. This issue has led to frequent reports of wrong or varying depth of milled pockets.