What features would you like to see in 2024?

Agree with @NewsVan its pretty easy to build your own to meet your specific needs. You can search for my version if you care to but is pretty similar to the one linked above with different clamping and angle options.

Lots of flexibilty when designing and building your own but also get a premade one would have its advantages for some.

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I’m not suggesting the Shapeoko design is perfect, but on many simple tables, all you need is a few clamps to do simple things like cut small tenons. Totally agree that I can make something along the lines of the example you linked to - just seems to me that this is an obvious requirement that would be nice to have out of the box, especially if you choose OneFinity’s frame and stand.

Improve the setup of the machines so that can be guaranteed to be square. As they exist now it is a struggle to square them within a reasonable tolerance. It is easy to say measure the diagonals but in practice is difficult to do accurately.

Support for a rotary.

Improved EMI shielding.


a “easy” button so when you push it a work of art appears…I’m being sarcastic lol

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Hey Ron, hey all,

An “italian espresso” button :wink:

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Proper homing sensors for the 1F controller would be nice. A good supported and documented set.

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I’m aware there are rotary products available. I have come across a few blogs and videos and the hops they jumped through to get it working. I believe what people are asking is one that is plug and play either supported or recommended by Onefinity.


For 2024 it would be nice to have the option for a wider drag chain(s) to support liquid cooling lines.


After upgrading the elite I noticed how flimsy the whole frame is. I am considering getting the stiffy.

I think it would be a great idea to offer an aluminum wasteboard system that integrates into the QCW frame.

Those systems are already available for other machines like the genmitsu, Roland Shaepoko and many more.


Increased z-axis travel would be nice.

I’d like to be able to mount a fairly large rotary axis so that the center of rotation is at, or slightly above, spoilboard level and still be able to mill a couple of inches below the center of rotation.

For Onefinity to quit sitting on their hands and start selling a spindle.
They are letting others do the work for them.
Then they have the nerve to say, if you add a spindle they will give no support.
Come on people.


Hey Bob, hey all,

The most out-of-the-box and ready-to-use VFD/spindle solution is what Daniel @PwnCNC offers. But it is the only one I know to which this applies. Generally, building a VFD/spindle installation is something that requires an electrician or an electrical engineer, as it contains so much components and so much options and requires to satisfy so many electrical safety regulations if you don’t want to be liable for something or someone damaged by your installation. You cannot expect this from Onefinity, as it is something very different to what they do and offer at the moment.

Installing a spindle is not what Ben Myers does on youtube, who still has the two videos online where he connects a spindle with three wires and no PE wire (:warning:) despite the fact that doing so is very dangerous (Don’t do this at home!). Installing a spindle/VFD and manufacturing and selecting the many components like cables, terminals, etc., means a lot more if you want to ensure electrical safety. A spindle requires installing and programming a VFD, and a VFD requires installation into a control cabinet and that you guarantee to comply with all safety regulations. That is always a custom work, and I don’t think Onefinity are going to change what they do into something completely different, because building a VFD/spindle installation and then also ensuring the safety of it, and then also provide the support for it(!), that IS something completely different to what they do.

However, there is what I consider to be the best milling motor solution for hobbyists and semiprofessionals. It requires no VFD, no custom wiring, and is the standard for CNC routers here in Europe and most of the rest of the world. These milling motors are made for heavy use in a CNC machine (unlike the Makita hand trim router, which is made for short, hand-held use and which, as Makita support stated, looses its warranty as soon you mount it into a CNC machine, and is likely to burn your workshop down if you overload it.).

A mount for such “Euro” mount milling motors on the Onefinity is requested, but still no answer.

Welcome to the forum!


Yes, please support this.


This gets my vote as well! I would love to be rid of the router vs spindle dilemma.


How about a general weekly update by category on outstanding orders?

Shielded cables to replace the existing cables (X, Y, Z, etc.) and eliminate (greatly reduce) suspected EMI / EMC interference.


Honestly, at this point, my biggest CNC want is for a 4x8 cutting area. I wish OneFinity could simply increase the length of the X axis to 8 feet (or more) but I understand the physics behind keeping the pipes rigid across such a long area…

That leaves me to start looking at other solutions, even though I don’t want to leave the Onefinity behind…

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The first thing I’d like to see is rotary support. This is huge.

Another upgrade which would be useful would be the option of slightly longer rails which would allow the use of an ATC unit without pushing the cutting area below 48x48.

Finally, a hand controller for the Elite series machines.


There have been so many responses, I am not sure you’ll see mine. I admittedly scrolled pretty fast through them, but I am shocked no one mentioned a MUCH larger cable chain system as an upgrade for those of us running a chiller, laser, air assist, and a 220v spindle, etc on a Masso system. That I am sure would be an immediate purchase by MANY owners, myself included.


Fourth axis / rotary is definitely the first priority…