My Woodworker X50 is on order and unlikely to be with me before 2022, but I want to try and prepare the workspace for it’s arrival.
I don’t have a lot of space, so am in the process of designing a hinged board on wheels or casters so that it takes up less space when not in use, and can be wheeled out into the garden during the warmer weather, but there are a couple of things I need to know, please:
What are the exact footprint dimensions, i.e. without the “stick out” of the stepper motor? I’m thinking about manufacturing a frame to sit the machine in, rather than screwing it into an MDF board, as this isn’t a great method for securing the machine.
What type of screws are provided to secure the machine to the mounting board, if any, and what is the likelihood bolts could be used instead?
Is there any reason the machine couldn’t be mounted on CLS timber rails, for example, to improve the height between the baseboard and the bottom of the Z mounting plate? Although the work area of the machine indicates a cutting height of 5-1/4", I think quite a bit of that could be lost if using a longer cutting tool.
I’m also thinking of mounting the machine on a metal (steel or aluminium) plate, rather than MDF, for the reasons above. Has anyone successfully attempted this.
I’ve got a Carbide3D BitZero I want to use, rather than spending out for a new one, but does anyone know what the name and type of the connectors used to plug the probe into the control box, please?
1 - the dimensions of the woodworker should be: 45.375 x 44.473 outside dimensions with motors; 44.049x42.347 without the motors (I can’t validate but that’s what I have in my CAD drawing). There is a CAD model floating around on the forums as well.
2 - You can use any screw you want - I believe #6 is probably he smallest you can use and would likely need a washer. I believe the holes are 0.25", but I could be wrong.
3 - there should be nothing stopping you. The 5" height should be the bottom of the z axis plate; the router should raise up well beyond the bottom depending on your bit (most are 1"-2" in length - longest I’ve seen is 3").
4 - Yes, there is a post somewhere here about that.
5 - I believe you can use the bitzero but not the bit runner, but I could be wrong. There was a thread about that as well.
Something to check before you start running files. If you set your machine on rails instead of a flat surface you can run into trouble with the Suck It dust boot hitting the mounting feet in a shallow cut.
Thanks for your responses, but could I just bump this part of my question above, please:
Also, I was asking about the supplied screws (if any!) to secure the castings into the baseboard (as opposed to the waste board) because some of the setup videos I’ve seen suggest these are screwed in at a slight angle - which isn’t really an engineered solution - but, as I’m hoping to use a spacing method to lift the Y rails an inch or two, I was wondering if it would be better to use these (not necessarily this size) as an alternative method?
Thank you.
(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))
Hey Peter,
(Search term was “Mounting screws”)
EDIT: Here you can have it exactly, so you may choose the bolts accordingly
(Search Term was MACHINIST FOOTPRINT.pdf (file from Bill that I downloaded once a while ago))
Note that the connector for the probe isn’t mentioned but it seems to be the same Molex/Amphenol tin-plated crap as for the steppers, but with two poles only…
Source:→ Controller Software Manual → Page 2
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(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))